Sara (9/27/77) and her husband Jeremie were married on 3/25/00. Sara and Jeremie live in Iowa. Sara is teaching Art classes and Jeremie, also a teacher for Middle and High School Social Studies.They gave birth to their first child Delaney on 12/02/02 and are enjoying every minute of watching her grow. Sara and Jerms just welcomed into the world their second daughter Olivia Anne on 9/8/05. They certainly do have their hands full but not as full as their hearts for two such beautiful children! They are almost as happy as Grandma Mary to live close enough for their children to enjoy the love and attention off their grandparents.
Check out their web blog and don't forget to leave them a message to let them know you visited!

Sara and Jeremie 2001

Sara and Jeremie

Sara and Jeremie's daughter Delaney
One of the Cutest Iowa Babies!

Delaney and Olivia The cutest Iowa sisters!

Look how little she is compared to his hand!

Sara, Jeremie and Delaney

Delaney in the snow!
Sara's graduation picture 1995
Va,Va Va Voom! When did she grow up!

Jeremie golfing in Yuma, AZ
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