Who has the cleanest house in the Family? Who always made sure everything was just right before Mom and Dad got home? Who knows how to take care of the stickiest situations? Who do you go to for all of the tough questions? Not Dear Abby, Ann Landers or Helloise! Our very own sister Joyce! Here are a few of her suggestions to make everyday just a little easier. Her suggestions have encouraged other family members to share their quick tips as well. We hope you find them useful!
  • When planting flower bulbs,and can't finish the project on that day, stick wooden clothespins in the ground to indicate the exact location of each bulb. This way you will know exactly where you left off. When you find the time to get back to planting more.
  • If you have money or some other papers that have gotten wet, just pop them into the microwave for 45 to 60 seconds and they are good as new
  • To keep all the good Halloween candy you got to give out for yourself, just turn off all your lights and say you had no trick-or-treaters this year. That way you get all the good stuff for yourself
  • When putting away lawn chairs, campers etc. and you don't want mice to nest in your stuff (WITCH I have had happen) Put scented fabric softener sheets in them they don't like the smell.
  • If you want to keep the soap out of your kids eyes, rub Vaseline on their eyebrows before bath time.
  • Bed bugs live longer in made beds. For those for you that have them. LOL So if you want to get rid of them, simple DON"T MAKE YOUR BED!!!!!
  • Hiccups, eating a teaspoon of sugar gets rid of them in a flash
  • I vacuum my beds & when I flip them over to be sure that the mattress wears evenly that is always a good time to vacuum all over again.
  • Pillows are our friends you can throw them in the washer & have nice clean pillows once again.
  • To cool a cake that has just come out of the oven, place the pan on a wet towel. The cake is less likely to stick to the pan if it is cooled this way.
  • Coat the inside of a candleholder with a tiny amount of petroleum jelly to ensure easy removal
  • Raw egg whites remove chewing gum from anything, including hair without leaving a trace.
  • If you keep bananas in a closed Plastic bag, they will keep AT LEAST two weeks on your counter.
  • Just another tip, when they get overripe, peel them, throw them in a ziplock bag and keep in the freezer till you have enough and are ready to make banana bread, or muffins (or add to your pancake batter- yummy!). Just thaw, drain off any excess water and use!
  • Vitamin C works in the body as a scavenger,picking up all sorts of trash, including virus trash. It can shorten the length of a cold from 7 days to maybe 2 or 3. It has been proven to lower cholesterol, decrease arthritis pain, reduce outbreaks of canker sores, and lessen premenstrual syndromes.
  • Keep marshmallows, potato chips, pretzels, and crackers in the freezer. They are best if frozen in their original unopened containers.
  • I heard that keeping your coffee grounds in the freezer will keep it fresher longer.
  • The freezer is a great place to store chocolate chips and chopped nuts too! They will be ready for use when you have the chance to bake and the chocolate won't turn white!
  • To keep smoke detectors operating properly carefully vacuum them twice a year, and don't forget to change the batteries at the same time
  • Just a reminder about the smoke detectors... a good time to check or just change out your batteries is when the daylight savings time change happens :) It is always twice a year and you already have the ladder out changing the time on all your clocks
  • To keep cats out of your plants, wrap them with tin foil, they don't like the sound of it . Or sprinkle a little bit of Crushed red pepper in the pot. After one sniff they will stay away!
  • To help dry cloths faster, but them through final spin cycle twice. Or when they are close to being dry throw a dry towel in with damp cloths, the towel will absorb a lot of the moisture
  • Try this trick to remove unsightly dog and cat hair from your carpeting. Spray a mixture of one part fabric softener to 3 part water on your rug, wait a minute or two and then vacuum. No more animal hair.
  • Elbows get lots of wear and tear,and show it. Cut a lemon in half and rest an elbow in each section for AT LEAST 10 minutes. (Sure you will ridiculous). the lemon juice will actually remove the stain that makes elbows look dirty.
  • Here"s how to give yourself an instant "FACE LIFT" and beauty treatment:Mix one teaspoon each of baking soda and olive oil to form a slightly thick paste. Gently massage it into your skin, rinse well and then pat dry.
  • Place an egg in cool,salted water to determine if it is fresh; if it sinks, it's still fresh. If it floats, throw it out.
  • Try spinning an egg to see if it is hard-boiled. If it spins, it is a hard-boiled egg. If not, it is uncooked!
  • Put extra garbage bags in bottom of garbage can. Now no one has a reason not to put a new bag in when the full one is removed.
  • Use Murphy's Oil Soap To soothe your Pet's Itchy, dry, or flea-allergy skin. It is gentle and all-Vegetable. Follow directions on the bottle for dilution.
  • Keep babies from sliding around in the high chair. Line the chair seat with a small rubber bath or sink mat. Cut to fit if necessary
  • To keep cheese fresh and mold -free, place two sugar cookies in a plastic bag with the zipper lock,then add the cheese.
  • For extra-fudgy brownies, add 1 Tablespoon corn syrup to the batter,either a box mix or from Linda, OH I MEAN from scratch. Also, don't assume it always pays to bake from scratch. Brownies, for example, are often cheaper to make from a box.
  • Schedule a blizzard the day you invite guest for Thanksgiving Dinner-- that way You get to eat ALL the leftover PIE! LOL
  • Teach kids how to swallow pills or capsules; Give the child five M&Ms candies and a glass of water. Have them practice swallowing by putting one candy at a time on there tongue and downing it with water. The rest of the M&Ms in the package could be the reward for success.
  • Put two tablespoons of cinnamon in a pot of water(about 3 cups) and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer. The cinnamon fragrance will make every room in your house smell clean, fresh and delicious.
  • Low-Fat Tricks When baking, you can cut down on or omit the amount of butter or margarine used by substituting applesauce. A good rule of thumb is no more then 1-Tablespoon of applesauce per cup of flour. Use 2 Tablespoons of mayonnaise for each egg required in your recipe. To halve a recipe calling for 3 eggs, use 2 eggs and decrease the recipe's liquid by 2 to 3 tablespoons.
  • To make new candles dripless,soak then in a strong saltwater solution for a few hours, then dry well.
  • Rubbing alcohol is an easy and inexpensive spot remover for carpets. Lightly rub a drop or two of alcohol into the stain, then blot the spot dry with a clean white cloth.
  • Fill a net vegetable bag with charcoal and hang in the musty basement or damp garage to absorb odor.
  • Rubbing alcohol is an effective deodorant for both underarms and feet because it kills odor-causing bacteria, dries quickly, and becomes odorless. Apply in a fine mist from a spray bottle or with a cotton ball.
  • To get a few more month,s use out of windshield wiper blades, lightly sand the edge of the rubber blade with sandpaper. Be sure to carefully remove all traces of sand from the blades,reattach, and they will work like new. Or, clean the rubber part with rubbing alcohol. You may be pleasantly surprised to find they were not worn out at all, just gunked up.
  • One cup granulated sugar is an adequate substitute for 1 cup packed brown sugar. Freezing brown and powdered sugar prevent lumps. (Mary needs to buy a big freezer). Freezing your coffee grounds keep them fresh longer.
  • Put a slice of bread in the cookie jar to absorb the moisture that causes cookies to become stale. Or if you need moisture in your house just leave the cookie jar open, it beats throwing snow on the rugs like mom use to do. LOL
  • I always put bread in my cookie Jar. It is helpful to put a piece of waxed paper under it so the cookies directly under the bread don't get too soggy. The birds and rabbits enjoy the old bread when the cookies are gone.
  • In cold weather it is wise to wait until the car's interior warms up before using the radio or CD's. Be patient and allow the heater to warm the interior, and your sound system will work better longer.
  • Water saver, Insert a brick into a plastic and place it in your toilet tank. It's displacement will reduce the amount of water required to flush the toilet. A plastic jug filled with water will do the same thing.
  • Fuel your gas tank early in the morning, and you'll get 5 percent more gas for the same price. The heat of the afternoon sun causes gasoline to expand in the station's fuel tank so less pumps out as the day wears on. The average early bird will spend up to $50 a year less on fuel.
  • Scrape snow from car windows with a plastic or rubber dustpan. It won't scratch the glass and gets the job done faster.
  • I use my garage broom after BIG snows.
  • Try your best not to yell at your loved ones. An old Chinese proverb says "If you are patient in a moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow"
  • To take care of condensation that builds up on the inside car windows during the cold winter months, leave the air-conditioning on with the temperature in the heat position, and windows will clear like magic. (And so will your gas)LOL. Or carry an ordinary chalkboard eraser in the car. Simply erase the condensation away.
  • Use press & Seal to cover your wall air conditioner in the winter to keep out the cold wind! No matter how much my daughter makes fun of it it works. Jim
  • Corroded battery terminals can leave you stranded. Quick fix: Pour a cola drink or other carbonated beverage (don,t waste a good beer)LOL. This is a temporary measure to get you where you need to go without a tow.
  • Do not store potatoes and onions in the same bin, because of interaction of their natural gases, storing them together causes the potatoes to rot more quickly.
  • Plastic wrap will cling better if you moisten the rim of the bowl or pan you are covering with a bit of water. Or what I swear by, press and seal
  • After using SOS or similar brand scouring pad, to keep it from rusting just set it back in the box with the unused pads. It won't rust. This way it can be used until it is used up, not rusted out.
  • Remove wrinkles and creases from wrapping paper by ironing with a warm iron on the wrong side.
  • Serve cereal to little kids in large mugs instead of unruly cereal bowls. The handle helps them control the messes.
  • When bathing animals, place steel wool in the drain to keep hair from creating a clogged drain.
  • Store circular saw blades in an old record album jacket.
  • Use a bit of white vinegar in the final rinse water to keep lint from clinging to dark cloths
  • Always keep a mix of equal parts antifreeze and water in your cars cooling system, even if you live in a mild climate where it never freezes. Not only will it keep your cooling system functioning well, antifreeze contains valuable rust inhibitors
  • Use hairspray to remove lipstick stains from clothing. Spray it on, let it sit for a minute or two, and wipe carefully. Launder as usual. This works great for ink too!
  • To prevent the hose end from becoming attached to the spigot so tightly that you cannot easily remove it without the aid of a tool, rub petroleum jelly on the garden hose nozzle and the spigot to keep them from sticking.
  • Make sure you check all gift boxes for toy parts and such even bows. Before the final throw out.
  • Invite people to your house AT LEAST twice a month, that way you are more likely to get the dreaded house work done.
  • Refrigerate your cologne, and it can last up to 2 years. If fragrance is exposed to heat, air, or sunlight, it immediately begins to change
  • Add a pinch of cornstarch to beaten eggs to make a much fluffier omelet. I heard this also works with a little pancake batter.
  • Suitcases, which spend the greater portion of their functional lives completely useless and taking up space, should be used for storing almost anything, from holiday decorations to out-of-season clothes. Also a good place to hide presents.
  • Instead of using highly perfumed and expensive room refreshers,you can easily get rid of unpleasant odors simply by lighting a match.
  • To cream butter and sugar quickly, rinse the bowl with boiling water first.
  • If your cookies burn in your oven, put another cookie sheet under the one you are using
  • One cup of granulated sugar is an adequate substitute for one cup packed brown sugar. One cup fine, dry bread crumbs can substitute for 1/4 cup fine cracker crumbs. A 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder can be used in place of a clove of garlic.
  • All good things come to those who wait.
  • Select the "energy save"option on your dishwasher, run it only once a day (at night) and allow the dishes to air-dry rather than running that expensive heat-dry portion of the cycle.
  • Put self-stick plastic hooks on the wall or window frame next to drapes and blinds. Keep any loose cords looped around the hooks.
  • Play-and-eat dough. Here's an alternative recipe in the event your little one is prone to wanting to eat more then play. Mix 1/2 cup smooth peanut butter with 1/4 cup powder sugar. Can be stored in a tightly closed container.
  • Don't buy checks(if you have to pay for them) through the bank. You can save 50 percent of what they charge by ordering through an independent source like Current, 800-426-0822 or Checks-in-the Mail,800-733-4443.
  • Saute' meat and vegetables in fruit juice or Worcestershire sauce instead of oil.
  • A touch of black adds punch to any decor. But use a light hand;a lamp shade, needlepoint pillow, or area rug is all it takes.
  • Lemon juice cleans, deodorizes, and bleaches out the stains on wooden cutting boards and wooden utensils
  • Always carry a tire-plugging kit in your car. This is nothing more then a few small rubber plugs and a screwdriver for inserting the plug. It is so simple to use, even a child can learn. A damaged tire can be sealed and plugged right on the Vehicle. You can get the kits from WalMart.
  • My helpful hint for the day is to have a Father in Law with a plow truck and a tow-strap, never fails every day is a can't get out of the driveway day in our house lately. There is a thick sheet of ice under the top layer of snow, and We need to get tires with better tread. So always keep the cell phone handy and I even bought some kitty litter. Carla
  • To make sandpaper or emery paper last longer, back it with masking tape. The tape helps keep the paper from tearing or creasing while you are working and increases it's longevity by 2 to 3 times
  • To preserve the finish of your washer and dryer and other appliances, wax them with your car wax twice a year
  • I SWEAR by this one! This works great on stove tops. It is unbelievable how easy cooked on spills will wipe off.
  • To remove that really gross bathtub ring,apply a paste of hydrogen peroxide mixed with cream of tartar to stained porcelain surfaces. Scrub lightly,let dry, then rinse with warm water. Repeat if necessary.
  • Concentrate on the perimeter of the grocery store rather then the center aisles. Around the outside is where you'll find the healthier food with the least packaging and processing; produce, meat,fish,and dairy.
  • Spray WD-40 on arthritic joints to relieve pain and make movement easier.(I'm sure Mom had tried this one.).Sounds incredible but people who have tried it,swear by it.
  • Mix meat tenderizer to make a paste and rub on a bad back, or where ever you hurt.
  • Chop onions without tears. Pop the onion in your freezer for 30 minutes,you won't shed a single tear.
  • Just a squirt of fabric softener will make baked-on food and grime "jump" off pans and casserole dishes. No scrubbing.
  • Clean scummy shower doors with a used fabric softener sheet it will make the caked on white residue vanish.
  • Use EPSOM SALT on your lawn,it is rich in two minerals that make plants grow like crazy, and can turn your lawn super-green. Just add 2 Tablespoons to one gallon water and spread over your grass so it soaks it.
  • Dry up a pimple with crushed aspirin. Crush one aspirin and moisten with water. Rub on pimple ,wait a few minutes rinse off and prepare to be astonished
  • When you cut your finger and it is really bleeding,dip it in black pepper. It helps to stop the bleeding.
  • For razor cuts that won't stop bleeding, try dabbing a little Alum on it. It stings like crazy for a moment but it stops the bleeding almost immediately!
  • Remove coffee or tea stains from the bottom of a cup. Swish 2 tablespoons of vinegar around in the cup, then wash as usual. Works on coffee pots too.
  • I put vinegar and bleach in my dishwashers rinse agent reservoir to remove the yucky stuff that is left on dishes from hard water as well as the coffee stains. Works great! Jude
  • Forget aspirin and painkillers ,drink tart cherry juice. It is 10 times stronger then aspirin at easing pain and reducing swelling.
  • Believe it or not, vanilla pudding does the trick for HOT FLASHES.
  • To keep popcicles and ice cream cones from dripping on kids fingers,insert the cone or stick into a coffee filter. It will catch the drips.
  • You can also use coffee filters to clean the glass in your house, it really gets out the streaks! Kay
  • Prevent frost from forming on inside car windows. Make a mixture of 2-teaspoons of salt to one gallon of hot water,rub on windows and wipe dry.
  • When you nick yourself while shaving, just touch them with your lip balm tube to stop the bleeding.(Then clean off lip balm).
  • To Make wool sweaters softer put a couple caps of vinegar in your rinse cycle.
  • When washing snugly blankies this helps also.
  • 31/2 ounces of dried apricots give you 1,400 mgs of potassium. More then three times the amount found in bananas! They are also better then prunes for moving things along.
  • Tea can be used as a meat tenderizer,Particularly for stew. In a Dutch oven, sear chunks of stew meat in fat or oil until very well browned. Add 2 cups strong black tea,bring to boil, then cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Add stock and continue to cook stew with additional ingredients as usual.
  • TLC for your feet. Crush 6 aspirins and mix them with a tablespoon of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice, work it into a paste. Apply the paste to calloused spots or dry skin. Put each foot into a plastic bag and wrap with a warm towel. Sit for ten minutes with your wrapped feet elevated. Rinse off .
  • To loosen rusty nuts and bolts, pour club soda over them.
  • To keep white canvas shoes looking new,apply white shoe polish to then after they are washed and while they are still wet. Allow to air - dry. You won't believe the results.
  • Don't spend change, collect it by making a personal rule not to spend it. Make it a habit to dump your pockets and purses every night into a dish. You will be amazed how much you can save.
  • Wipe salt stains off boots or leather shoes,dip a cloth into vinegar, then wipe away the white residue.
  • To keep the refrigerator vegetable drawer dry and free of smells,line the bottom with newspaper.
  • Put a bar of soap in the toe of a pantyhose leg, tie a knot over it, and tie the other end to an outdoor spigot. When done doing your garden or yard work you can easily wash up outside instead of getting your indoor sinks dirty and sandy. (TOO FUNNY)
  • If you worry about remembering something,wear your watch on the wrong wrist. It doesn't look as silly as a piece of string on your finger, but it works just as well.
  • Zinc oxide ointment (available at the drugstore) is the perfect makeup base for face painting at parties.
  • Women can use Just-For-Men hair colors. It produces identical results, is half the cost, and last twice as long.
  • To soothe bee stings,immediately wet the spot and cover with salt.
  • The bright colors of outdoor plastic furniture, kids gyms, etc., can fade from regular exposure to the sun. You can prevent them from fading with a protective coat of car wax. The wax also repels dirt and grime. This is also good for the lawn mower and will help protect the paint as well as prevent mud and grass clippings from sticking.
  • Carry a disposable camera, pad of paper, and a pen in your glove box of your car. In case of an accident you'll have what you need to collect information and take -on- the -spot photos. Draw a map and record all the details while they are still fresh in your mind.
  • If you saved lots of your kids baby clothes and blankets. Make quilts for each child from pieces of their old baby clothes.
  • To remove cigarette order from a blouse, shirt , pants etc.. Place a fabric softener sheet on the hanger with the garment; cover with a plastic bag. The odor will be gone by morning.
  • Sharpen scissors by cutting several times into 220-grit sandpaper. Turn scissors over and repeat to sharpen bottom blades too.
  • To build a perfect charcoal fire, fill 2-or-3 empty cardboard egg cartons with briquettes. Set them in the barbecue, light the cartons, and you will have the perfect charcoal arrangement with no lighter fluid required.
  • A quick, easy, and cheap way to get ink spots out of washable clothing is to soak the stain in MILK. Wash as usual.
  • Make your own Gourmet coffee. Break up a cinnamon stick or sprinkle cinnamon into coffee grounds before brewing. Or add a drop of vanilla to the coffee once its been brewed.
  • If your cat prefers the furniture to his scratching post, try placing carpet samples throughout the house. For some unknown reason, many cats prefer them.
  • Prevent colds by washing your hands for as long as it takes to sing "Happy Birthday"...Twice! That's the amount of time you need to wash your hands properly.
  • Never spray water onto a mirror. Moisture can get into the edges and behind mirror and ruin the mirror with dark spots.
  • To water hanging plants that are indoors. Put a few Ice cubes on top of the soil. As the cubes milt, the water will reach the roots slowly enough to be absorbed. By then , it will be warm enough,too. You will have a lot less water on the floor.
  • Sprinkle your pillowcase with apple cider vinegar to control nighttime coughing. (Don't roll your eyes, it might work). Homemade cough syrup. Mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar and 1/4 cup honey and pour into a jar or bottle that can be tightly sealed. Shake well before each use. Take one Tablespoon every 4-hours.
  • Give your goldfish a little swim in saltwater for a change of pace and to perk them up. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a quart of freshwater, and let fish swim for 15 minutes. Then return them to normal conditions.
  • Salt is good for all tropical fish and is recommenced by most pet stores. However, salt doesn't evaporate like the water so it only needs to be put in once.
  • Coat clay pots with a thin layer of baking soda when transplanting plants,before adding the soil. This helps keep the dirt fresh.
  • To put your restless mind to sleep at night, try taking Benadryl. It works the same as the over-the-counter- sleeping pill. Some nights you just need that.
  • Sweet breath, mix 1/2 teaspoon salt with 1/2 teaspoon baking soda into 4-oz. of water. Use as a gargle and breath freshener
  • Sprinkle baking soda lightly around tomato plants. This will sweeten the tomato by lowering acidity.
  • Roses, mix 3 tablespoons natural apple cider vinegar in 1 gallon water. Fill a spray bottle with mixture, spray roses daily to control black spots or other fungal Diseases.
  • Add one tablespoon apple cider vinegar to your cat or dog's water bowl to improve overall health and digestion.
  • Eliminate the gaseous side effects of baked beans by adding a dash of baking soda while cooking.
  • Salt will force juices out of meat and prevent it from browning. Wait to salt until midway through the cooking process.
  • A mixture of salt, vinegar, and water should remove mildew stains on most fabrics. Use up to full-strength vinegar if mildew is extensive.
  • To remove any unpleasant taste in ice cubes from automatic ice cube makers, clean removable parts of the unit with baking soda and water.
  • Welcome your birds home from a long winter vacation,Smear a pinecone with peanut butter, and hang from a tree for a bird treat.
  • Potatoes soaked in salt water for 20 minutes before baking will bake more rapidly.
  • Dealing with the mail. As soon as you get the mail, read it and sort it into one of these categories: pay, answer, file, and dump. Then do it.
  • To fill your house with the smell of citrus, put a handful of orange peelings in a pot of boiling water.Simmer as long as you want.
  • Silk Flowers. Pour a half cup raw white rice into a paper bag. Add your silk flowers. Close the top of the bag and shake for a couple of minutes. Remove flowers, making sure the rice stays in the bag. Your flowers will come out dust- free and looking like new.
  • Rub out white rings on wood tables with a paste made of equal amounts of toothpaste and baking soda
  • Yesterday has passed,with great memories, And maybe with sorrow. Today is here, with great memories, and some new beginning's. Tomorrow, is yet to be seen.
  • Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift....that's why they call it the "Present" Lots of Love, Womz
  • Whenever you travel, make two photocopies of everything in your wallet(credit cards, driver's license medical insurance cards, passport.) Put one copy in your luggage, and leave the other at home. You could photo copy your money so you have twice as much.
  • Never leave your car registration in your glove box. It gives a car thief automatic proof of ownership. Keep it with you.
  • Itchy skin, Soaking in a tub of saltwater can be a great itchy skin reliever. Just add 1 cup table salt or sea salt to bath water. This solution will also soften skin and relax you.
  • Put a dab of vanilla, lemon, or orange extract on a small pad of cotton and place it in your fridge. You'll keep your refrigerator smelling fresh without a perfume odor.
  • Wash your hands with vegetable oil to clean off oil-based paint. The oil is safer then paint thinner
  • De- clog drains instantly, Pour 1 cup salt, 1 cup baking soda, then one kettle of boiling water, down the sink. This will dissolve congealed grease immediately.
  • Clean grimy toilets with WD-40. One spray gets rid of difficult gunk and lime deposits.
  • Let your men go to the hunting camp for the night, even if it's not deer season.
  • Wipe your cabinets down with AVON-SKIN-So -SOFT then buff. You will be amazed at how easily even old hardened grease wipes away. They will look like new again.
  • Add a pinch of starch to the water in a vase before arranging tulips in it. This prevents them drooping.
  • For a gleaming stainless steel sink, sprinkle a little flour on a dry sink then buff with a duster.
  • "Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven." ( YIDDISH PROVERB)
  • And some are only Half-baked! LOL Love always, Mother Mary
  • And some bake their hair! Sorry Joyce, I couldn't resist! Love ya, Kay
  • Store pealed onions in a mason jar with lid on in the fridg. No odors will escape.
  • Use spray air freshener to clean your mirrors.
  • Store mushrooms in a paper bag in the door of the refrigerator, not in the coldest part. Rinse mushrooms in boiling water before frying to stop them shrinking.
  • Sharpen a blunt potato peeler by inserting an old nail file into the slot and rubbing the edge of the cutter firmly. To sharpen a pair of scissors cut into a piece of tin foil folded in four, a few times. Or chop used eggshells.
  • Cold tea makes an inexpensive and effective food for houseplants. To know if your house plants need watering-- place a piece of tissue on top of the soil. When the paper is damp the plant is ok, but when it is dry the plant needs to be watered.
  • A patty of margarine fed to a dog three times a week will keep his, or her coat free from dandruff and prevent dry skin. A raw egg given occasionally helps to keep worms at bay.
  • On front wheel drive cars, it is very important to rotate the tires periodically because the front tires wear faster then the rear
  • Store tomatoes with stems pointed down and they will stay fresher longer. If tomatoes are a little overripe, soak them in salted water or ice cold water for one hour to become firm.
  • Salt will keep dry and flow freely if kept in the refrigerator.
  • Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
  • Put a burnt match in the water when boiling eggs; if they should crack the contents will stay intact. Or add a little vinegar.
  • When hard- boiling eggs,heat the water before you add the eggs so that around the yolks won't turn black.
  • Dip the knife in boiling water when slicing eggs and the slices won't crumble.
  • Everybody wants to harvest, but nobody wants to plow
  • To get rid of ants in the garden, sprinkle some talcum powder.
  • A good gardener always plants three seeds-one for the grubs, one for the weather, one for himself.
  • Cling-wrap kept in the fridge is much easier to handle.
  • A loving wife will do anything for her husband except stop criticizing and trying to improve him.
  • Sprinkle a covering of white bread crumbs at the bottom of fruit pies before adding fruit to prevent pastry becoming soggy.
  • The easiest way for your children to learn about money is for you not to have any.