. Jason (7/6/75) and Angel (3/30/75) (marred 7/5/02) have brought forth the first Great Grandchild of the family, Jordan, born 2/19/01. Angel and Jason gave birth to their second child Jacie on March 31,2004. They have a home in Michigan. Jason is known for his mechanical abilities and is heavily relied upon by many. He is certainly filling his fathers shoes. Jason works for D.P CONSTRUCTION, driving truck and has been employed for about 8 year's there. Angel has one of the most important jobs there is as she is a stay at home mom and loves it very much. Jordan will start his first year at Head Start this year and can't wait! They enjoy taking care of their animal's and breeding. They have a total of 19 at this time on the farm. Angel certainly keeps their family "in the loop" by keeping up with all of us (no small task).

Angel, Jacie, Jason and Jordan 2005

Angel, Jordan and Jason 2003

"The Boy" (Jordan) 7/28/05

Jacie Girl 7/28/05
Country Girl!

Daddy, where does hamburger come from?

Jason, Jordan and Jacie with the Monster Truck!

Jason with Jordan and Jacie on a tractor


Big Brother!

Angel, Jordan and Jacie

Jordan 2002

Jason, Angel and Jordan

Donna holding baby Jordan giving Jason and Angel a little time off! What are Aunties for?

Jason, Angel and Jordan 1/04
Jack and Jacie..............Jack and Jordan
Papa and his grandbabies!
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