Dawn (9/6/81) and Rhys Edwards(3/3/80) were married on August 16, 2003 and are now living in Michigan.They welcomed to the world their first child on December 17, 2005 at 12:45p.m. 8lbs 9oz 19 &1/2 Inches long . His name is "Thomas Jack" Rhys David Edward's. Rhys is currently a manager at a Target store while he searches for a teaching job with a Degree in Childhood Elementary and Special Education. Dawn is finishing up her last year of college at Northern Michigan University next month also with a degree in Childhood Elementary. Dawn is employed right now as a nanny part time while going to school. She too will be looking for just the right teaching position once her schooling is complete.

Dawn and Rhys

Dawn and Jordan

Dawn and Rhys 6/05

Dawn and Kay

Dawn's birthday '05

Dawn showing off her Tum!
Baby due in December '05

Welcome to the world Thomas Jack!
8 lbs 9 oz - 19 1/2 inches long

Thomas Jack
February 2006

Dawn, Robin and Jenny

Jack and Linda
. Click here to go back to Jack's page.
